event hosting

Here is a super small selection of the events I’ve hosted. In addition to being the host, for these types of projects I am usually 100% involved in the creative and content direction as well as guest management.

global ADIDAS #TLKS series

In 2018, I hosted the Berlin edition of the global TLSK series by adidas. I interviewed well-known women in Germany about their lives, their experiences in being self-made women in their business and about diversity, inclusivity and the ever evolving question if there is such thing as equality amongst sexes.

Exhibition curation with IGH Hotels

In February 2020, my “Clues To the Neighborhood” exhibition opened at the Indigo Hotel in Berlin. The exhibition was running until May. I curated 16 clues to things to do, see and experience whilst staying in Berlin.

As the opening of the exhibition I hosted an event with panel talk with me on the topic of Berlin and what this city means to me. The panel talk was accompanied by a roof top event with a live surprise act.

The full interview with Gala Magazine on this exhibition can be read HERE or in English on FORBES.

  • AWAY Germany launch event

    In 2018, I hosted the German launch party for AWAY with celebrities like Toni Garrn attending.

  • SCHWARZKOPF creators global launch event

    In 2017, I hosted the German launch event for the global creators campaign by Schwarzkopf.

